Wealden Ad 2021 - COVER.qxp_Layout 1 07/12/2021 15:11 Page 2 Issue 2021 Friday 10th December 2021 www.wealdenad.co.uk NOBLE FIR NORDMAN FIR NORWAY SPRUCE BLUE SPRUCE FRASER FIR SERBIAN SCOTS PINE DELIVER Littledown COME & SEE OUR REAL REINDEER SERVICE Y...
Wealden Ad 2021 - COVER.qxp_Layout 1 07/12/2021 15:11 Page 2 Issue 2021 Friday 10th December 2021 www.wealdenad.co.uk NOBLE FIR NORDMAN FIR NORWAY SPRUCE BLUE SPRUCE FRASER FIR SERBIAN SCOTS PINE DELIVER Littledown COME & SEE OUR REAL REINDEER SERVICE Y AVAILABLE Christmas The best selection in the South • 40,000 trees available out of our plantations Non-Drop Trees up to 45ft • Large clean floodlit yard • Stands Tree Farm Open 8am - 8pm FREE sack of potatoes or FREE holly wreath with every christmas tree sold. 7 days a week from IMPROVED ACCESS No need to go anywhere else as we have everything to do with Christmas Trees until 24th December BEST AS TO FARM 17 mile delivery available ISTM CHR EE TR WER GRO 009 WESTFIELD VILLAGE CENTRE (not farm shop) (10 mins off A21) on A28 nr. Hastings East Sussex TN35 4QE 2 (UK) HOTLINE 24hrs 01424 753413 • MOBILE: 07734 210508 Does your body need a touch up? *New self storage facility now open* We offer a Professional 24 hour Accident/Breakdown Reco