CRITERIOS DE EVALUACIÓN TERCER TRIMESTRE 5º CURSO 20/21 INGLÉS UNIT 5: AT THE DEPARTMENT STORE VOCABULARY * Adquisición del vocabulario de la unidad: - CORE: a cotton t-shirt, a glass bottle, a leather belt, a metal bracelet, a paper plane, a plastic car,...
CRITERIOS DE EVALUACIÓN TERCER TRIMESTRE 5º CURSO 20/21 INGLÉS UNIT 5: AT THE DEPARTMENT STORE VOCABULARY * Adquisición del vocabulario de la unidad: - CORE: a cotton t-shirt, a glass bottle, a leather belt, a metal bracelet, a paper plane, a plastic car, rubber boats, a silk scarf, a wooden train, a wool jumper. - REVISED: Colours; Past simple regular and irregular. Affirmative and negative; Prepositions of place: this, these; it`s made of ( paper). They are made of ( plastic); I`m wearing ….My friend is wearing…. - OTHER: department store,wáter glasses; What`s made of? What are made of? GRAMMAR - Review: Past simple * Obligation: have to/ don`t have to * Past simple: questions and short answers: Did you….? CULTURE * Special clothes in the UK and Japan. * Can for permission: I can wear…. CROSS- CURRICULAR * Natural Science: - Properties of materials. - Vocabulary: absorbent, flexible, man-made, natural, rigid, waterproof.