Grades of Sprains
As you know if you’ve ever sprained a joint, not all sprains are equal.
In fact, there are three
distinct grades of sprains.
The three grades of sprains go from a first grade sprain (the
mildest) to the third grade sprain (very severe)....
Grades of Sprains
As you know if you’ve ever sprained a joint, not all sprains are equal.
In fact, there are three
distinct grades of sprains.
The three grades of sprains go from a first grade sprain (the
mildest) to the third grade sprain (very severe).
A sprain’s grade is a useful diagnostic feature that refers to the extent of damage to the an
injured joint’s ligament.
Ligaments are the strong, elastic fibers that hold bones to one another
in a joint.
They are often confused with tendons, which are the connective tissue holding
muscle to bone.
A sprain, by definition, is an injury to one or more ligaments.
Different Treatments for Different Sprains
Different grades of sprains require different levels of treatment.
For any sprain, it’s
recommended to seek medical attention, even a relatively minor sprain.
For first aid or
ongoing treatment, however, it’s best to use the RICE method or one of its variations.
Grade 1 Sprain
The first degree of sprain severity is grade one.