near Vancouver arbutus
and Oregon oak.
In The
Atlantic coastal provinces
- Acadian forest with
balsam fir, black and red
spruce, and cedar,
American larch, yellow
birch and beech.
In the
area inhabited tundra
caribou, arctic hare,
lemming, arctic fox and...
near Vancouver arbutus
and Oregon oak.
In The
Atlantic coastal provinces
- Acadian forest with
balsam fir, black and red
spruce, and cedar,
American larch, yellow
birch and beech.
In the
area inhabited tundra
caribou, arctic hare,
lemming, arctic fox and musk ox musk original.
To the south is more
varied wildlife - deer forest caribou, deer elk, moose, mountain areas
- bighorn sheep and mou ntain goat.
Quite numerous rodents:
Canadian chikari protein, chipmunk, flying squirrel American,
beavers, jerboas prygunchik of the family, muskrat, porcupine iglosherst, meadow, and the American hare, pika.
Of the feline
predators in Canada - the Canadian lynx and mountain lion.
foxes, black bears - grizzly bear, a raccoon-poloskun.
Of the weasel sable, pecans, otter, wolverine, etc.
A lot of nesting migratory birds
and commercial poultry.
The fauna is not rich in reptiles and
country is prairie plains and plateaus Canadian.
of Canada
Canada occu