Malaria is a very common disease in Africa.
Every 30 seconds, someone in Africa
dies from Malaria.
About 1 million people die from Malaria every year in Africa.
Although there are many support groups for malaria, there are still many people in
Malaria is a very common disease in Africa.
Every 30 seconds, someone in Africa
dies from Malaria.
About 1 million people die from Malaria every year in Africa.
Although there are many support groups for malaria, there are still many people in
Africa with the symptoms and they don?t know what it is or what?s going on with
them and they are suffering, begging for help.
Malaria enters the body by an infected human getting bit by a Anopheles
Once the infected mosquito bites an uninfected human, the human will be
infected with malaria.
Once the parasite enters the body, it enters red blood cells
and multiplies.
Once the parasite multiplies, the red blood cells break open with
in 48-72 hours infecting more red blood cells
Early symptoms of Malaria can include drowsiness with poor apatite, and trouble
These symptoms are usually followed by rapid breathing.
A fever will
gradually increase over a few days or suddenly rise to 105 degrees or higher.
a few days,