Universe is Free.
Everything in it is also always free.
Only the human species have the idea of bondage and freedom.
All other species are born free, live free and die free.
Some thinkers all along the history of human kind have created many...
Universe is Free.
Everything in it is also always free.
Only the human species have the idea of bondage and freedom.
All other species are born free, live free and die free.
Some thinkers all along the history of human kind have created many theories of bondage and freedom.
An ant, a rose flower, an elephant, a tea cup never thought of bondage or freedom.
Ideas of Bondage and freedom are sheer human invention.
This is how the common man sees things.
He neither bothers about the Ancient Wisdom nor about those who are against Ancient Wisdom.
Or he blends both in a strange way and makes out his living.
I have written exclusively a Chapter on COMMON MAN’S WAYS TO FREEDOM.
I too was a common man. But life was too much for me to bear. I wanted to find freedom, happiness and harmlessness. Common man’s satisfactions were not enough for me.
Suddenly, I found my questions were answered in Actual Freedom through www.actualfreedom.com.au.The progenitor of