Calculation of Basic Span of Sub-Transmission Lines
Kanthar Palany Balanathan DipEE(UK), PGGradCert(RelEng), PGDipBus&Adm(Finance), CEng, MIEE, MIE(Aust), CPEng
Since it is not possible to have all the spans to be equal and it is time consuming to calculate...
Calculation of Basic Span of Sub-Transmission Lines
Kanthar Palany Balanathan DipEE(UK), PGGradCert(RelEng), PGDipBus&Adm(Finance), CEng, MIEE, MIE(Aust), CPEng
Since it is not possible to have all the spans to be equal and it is time consuming to calculate the sag at every
span, the sag template is made to a basic span as follows:
Basic Span (l) = + where l1, l2 are
individual span lengths.
This is the conventional method.
However, for a horizontal terrain with same level line supports the following may be useful to calculate the
basic span as the end conditions that limit the span between sections is (i) the clearance of the conductor
from the ground at maximum temperature and (ii) the tension of the conductor at minimum temperature.
The elements of physics applied in the process are expansion and contraction.
Where there is a large difference in the support elevation, detailed calculation would be better for verification
of sag and span.
The formula is for the computation of ma