Acklam Grange School A Specialist College For
Maths and Computing
Inspection report
111751Unique Reference Number
MiddlesbroughLocal Authority
325451Inspection number
10–11 November 2008Inspection dates
Margaret Farrow HMIReporting inspector
This inspection...
Acklam Grange School A Specialist College For
Maths and Computing
Inspection report
111751Unique Reference Number
MiddlesbroughLocal Authority
325451Inspection number
10–11 November 2008Inspection dates
Margaret Farrow HMIReporting inspector
This inspection of the school was carried out under section 5 of the Education Act 2005.
SecondaryType of school
CommunitySchool category
11–16Age range of pupils
MixedGender of pupils
Number on roll
1355School (total)
The governing bodyAppropriate authority
Cllr Hazel Pearson OBEChair
Mr John BateHeadteacher
1 September 2006Date of previous school inspection
Lodore GroveSchool address
01642 277700Telephone number
01642 277701Fax number
11–16Age group
10–11 November 2008Inspection dates
325451Inspection number