Identifying Stress Triggers is Key to Successful Management
Most people in today’s society are subjected to stressful situations on a regular basis and are
constantly advised in magazines or current affairs programs to avoid stress or face a raft of
Identifying Stress Triggers is Key to Successful Management
Most people in today’s society are subjected to stressful situations on a regular basis and are
constantly advised in magazines or current affairs programs to avoid stress or face a raft of
harmful side effects.
As long as we continue to live and work in this environment, avoiding all
stress is an unrealistic goal.
Rather, our challenge should be to recognize our harmful stressors,
and develop skills and techniques to manage them.
While there is no doubt that some
occupations and activities are stressful, e.
emergency services, defence, mining, construction,
corrections and medical to name only a few, it is also recognized that other low-risk activities
like teaching and business management can be equally stressful.
The trigger is not necessarily the activity itself, but they way the individual reacts to the
Every person’s circumstance is different which makes the diagnosis and treatment of
stress-related c