T h e C o m p o s e rP a g e 1
Whiteville – Headmaster Steve
Smith announced that a 42 acre tract
at the southwest corner of Peacock
and Old Lumberton has been
acquired to ensure expansion room
for Columbus Charter School.
―Charter schools do not
T h e C o m p o s e rP a g e 1
Whiteville – Headmaster Steve
Smith announced that a 42 acre tract
at the southwest corner of Peacock
and Old Lumberton has been
acquired to ensure expansion room
for Columbus Charter School.
―Charter schools do not
receive any funds for land or
buildings so we are dependent upon
outside help for our facilities,‖ said
―We rent our school property
and buildings from Coastal Habitat
Conservancy (CHC).
They have
been very cooperative in buying this
convenient tract across from the
elementary school, so we will have
room for a middle school when
conditions allow,‖ he added.
Baker Mitchell, Managing
Partner for CHC, said that site
planning for the middle school
Charter School Assured of Room to Grow
would begin as soon as possible.
―There are no guarantees that in this
rough economic climate funds can be
found to build, but at least we will
have a great site ready when funds do
become available,‖ Mitchell said.
―The parents and community have