Sugar Busters Diet Book Review
By Benni Jenyfari
The Sugar Busters Diet Book works on the theory that foods high in sugars are likely to increase
your insulin levels and therefore cause a subsequent increase in weight gain.
On this basis, the
Sugar Busters Diet Book Review
By Benni Jenyfari
The Sugar Busters Diet Book works on the theory that foods high in sugars are likely to increase
your insulin levels and therefore cause a subsequent increase in weight gain.
On this basis, the
diet restricts all refined sugars as well as white flour and any related products and it also
encourages the intake of foods that are low on the glycemic index.
The diet is made up of 30% protein, 40% fat and 30% carbohydrate.
Foods on the restricted list
apart from the obvious refined sugars, include white bread, white rice, potatoes, corn, carrots
and even some fruits including bananas, pineapple and raisins.
Beer is restricted completely
although a glass of wine is acceptable at meal time.
Pretty much anything high on the glycemic
index is a no-no on this diet.
So what can you eat? Well you can eat meats, eggs and fish, whole grain products, legumes
and low fat dairy products as well as any non-restricted fruits and vegetables.
Any meat