Cyber Chameleon presents VANITY CASE - stories about the songs of Boy George and Culture Club, written by David Lindsay and Adrian Prosen, featuring stories about 40 Culture Club / Boy George songs.
Both avid Culture Club and Boy George fans for more...
Cyber Chameleon presents VANITY CASE - stories about the songs of Boy George and Culture Club, written by David Lindsay and Adrian Prosen, featuring stories about 40 Culture Club / Boy George songs.
Both avid Culture Club and Boy George fans for more than three decades, David is the co-creator of The Chameleon Files (now illustrated and updated regularly by Jordan on Boy George Fever) and Adrian is Cyber Chameleon's webmaster, now in its 16th year.
VANITY CASE is the second book by Cyber Chameleon after SCRAPBOOK, a 600+ page book chronicling Culture Club's 80s heyday, was released in June 2012.