The booklet is result of 2 years successful partnership
between 7 schools from Bulgaria, Spain, Portugal,
England,Cyprus, Greece, Sweden under the project “Creative Teaching and Learning” funded by the Erasmus+
Programme of the European Union
In the...
The booklet is result of 2 years successful partnership
between 7 schools from Bulgaria, Spain, Portugal,
England,Cyprus, Greece, Sweden under the project “Creative Teaching and Learning” funded by the Erasmus+
Programme of the European Union
In the booklet you will find 18 materials prepared by different teachers from the partner‘s schools. 9 of them are presented in the booklet in 7 languages. In the booklet you will find photos with augmented reality. Next to each of them you will see the logo HP Reveal . To see the hidden videos in the photos you need HP Reveal APP installed on your phone and internet connection.
The booklet is a collection of descriptions and lesson plans of creative good practices presented by the teachers from the partner schools in different LTTA and in eTwinning project space.