Creating Together. We provide information and advice to our customers on application technologies and regulatory matters to the best of our knowledge and ability, but without obligation or liability. Existing laws and regulations are to be observed in all...
Creating Together. We provide information and advice to our customers on application technologies and regulatory matters to the best of our knowledge and ability, but without obligation or liability. Existing laws and regulations are to be observed in all cases by our customers. This also applies in respect to any rights of third parties. Our information and advice do not relieve our customers of their own responsibility for checking the suitability of our products for the envisaged purpose. Chemicals & reagents. 2014 – 2016 Chemicals & reagents. Creating Together. 2014 – 2016 For further information on Merck Millipore and our products contact: Merck KGaA Frankfurter Straße 250 64293 Darmstadt GerMAny Phone: +49 6151 72-0 Telefax: +49 6151 72-2000 e-mail: