Crime Scene Training
Written By: Christopher J.
Conner http://www.
Crime Scene Training can vary from state to state and from one provider to another, however there are
several basic skills and knowledge...
Crime Scene Training
Written By: Christopher J.
Conner http://www.
Crime Scene Training can vary from state to state and from one provider to another, however there are
several basic skills and knowledge requirements common to most programs.
There are many colleges, universities as well as many independent training and consulting company’s
specializing in forensic evidence and crime scene training.
Most offer Bachelor’s degrees, Master’s
degrees and Certifications in Crime Scene Training.
Some of the courses in Crime Scene Training include:
• Crime Scene and Evidence Photography
• Fingerprint Development & Recovery
• Footwear & Tire Track Evidence
• Homicide and Other Death Investigations
• Incident Scene Videography
• Scene Sketching & Diagramming
• Writing Effective Reports
• Scene Investigations
• Crime Reconstruction
• Reconstruction and Interrogation
• Managing Major Investigations
• Bloodshed Interpretations
• Advance Bloodshed