How To Flirt With A Hot Asian Girl
I ve got some pretty powerful tips if your aim is to hook up with a hot Asian girl.
Usually, a successful
seduction starts with eye contact.
Making eye contact with her, and smiling, is one of the surest ways to...
How To Flirt With A Hot Asian Girl
I ve got some pretty powerful tips if your aim is to hook up with a hot Asian girl.
Usually, a successful
seduction starts with eye contact.
Making eye contact with her, and smiling, is one of the surest ways to
demonstrate confidence and establish a connection.
As the saying goes, "the eyes are the window to the soul," and this form of contact can really be just as
powerful as physical touch.
But in order to pull off a successful seduction, you will need to start using
physical touch during the interaction.
Essentially, this means you touch her and use flirty body language.
Not in an aggressive way.
In a very
subtle, "invisible" way that she doesn t consciously notice.
But on a deeper subsconsious level, she will start to feel physically comfortable with you and your touch.
Think about this scenario, which most of us have been through.
You take a hot Asian girl out on a date, and you have a fun time with her.
It seems to be going fine.