The Corporal Works of Mercy
e corporal works of mercy ll the most basic human needs: food, drink, human love, clothing, good health, forgiveness, companionship.
As we know, it is di cult for a person to attend to personal and spiritual...
The Corporal Works of Mercy
e corporal works of mercy ll the most basic human needs: food, drink, human love, clothing, good health, forgiveness, companionship.
As we know, it is di cult for a person to attend to personal and spiritual growth unless
these basic needs are met.
Mercy reaches out to serve these basic needs of our family and friends, our neighbors
and co-workers, all those around the world who have less than we.
From the Documents of the Sisters of Mercy
We ought then have great con dence in God in the discharge of all these o ces of mercy,spiritual and corporal—
which constitute the business of our lives.
~ from “ e Spirit of the Institute”
From Scripture
‘When the Son of man comes in his glory, escorted by all the
angels, then he will take his seat on his throne of glory.
All nations will be assembled before him and he will separate people
one from another as the shepherd separates sheep from goats.
He will place the sheep on his