Lake Champlain Weekly, the region’s magazine in newsprint, is a free weekly publication of Studley Printing & Publishing, Inc. distributed in the Clinton, Essex, and Franklin county areas of New York and the Grand Isle, Franklin, Chittenden and Addison...
Lake Champlain Weekly, the region’s magazine in newsprint, is a free weekly publication of Studley Printing & Publishing, Inc. distributed in the Clinton, Essex, and Franklin county areas of New York and the Grand Isle, Franklin, Chittenden and Addison county areas of Vermont through mailing and circulation to regional businesses. The deadline for classified and display advertising is Monday at 4 p.m. for Wednesday publication. We reserve the right to reject any advertising. Our liability for any advertising error will not be greater than the cost of the advertisement. Viewpoints in the opinions section do not necessarily reflect the views of Lake Champlain Weekly. All rights are reserved. No part of this publication can be reproduced in any form without written permission from the publisher. Copyright © 2023