Sending Your Resume via E-mail the Right Way
When submitting your resume to a company for employment consideration,
it’s become almost a rule to do so over the Internet.
This is the case partially
because companies will not consider resumes submitted any...
Sending Your Resume via E-mail the Right Way
When submitting your resume to a company for employment consideration,
it’s become almost a rule to do so over the Internet.
This is the case partially
because companies will not consider resumes submitted any other way.
So now that you know that you will very likely continue to be required to
submit your resume online, it’s a good idea to learn how to do so the right
Here are a few tips to consider:
There is a little bit of a debate going on about whether you should add the
resume as an attachment when submitting it or placing it in the body of the
Some believe that adding the resume as an attachment can often
take up too much space in an inbox while bringing with it the possibility of
security threats like viruses.
Also, a company’s security may block the
message – or a hiring manager may just not want to take time to open the
On the other hand, depending on what e-mail program you’re using (and t