14e colloque international annuel de la Société d'activités et de recherches sur le monde indien MSH Paris Nord, 17 et 18 Mai 2019 Dreaming India - Rêver d'Inde/Rêves d'Inde Short Bios Corinne ALEXANDRE-GARNER (MCF HDR Émérite, Université de Paris...
14e colloque international annuel de la Société d'activités et de recherches sur le monde indien MSH Paris Nord, 17 et 18 Mai 2019 Dreaming India - Rêver d'Inde/Rêves d'Inde Short Bios Corinne ALEXANDRE-GARNER (MCF HDR Émérite, Université de Paris Nanterre): Corinne Alexandre-Garner is an emeritus Research Accredited Associate Professor of English at Nanterre University, formerly attached to the Department of Social Sciences and Administration as well as the Department of Anglo-American Studies. She is the Director of the Research Group Espaces/Ecritures (GREE within The CREA, EA 370). Former Head of The Lawrence Durrell Research Library, she directs two collections at The Nanterre University Press, including the transdisciplinary collection of human sciences called "Crossroads » devoted to the themes of otherness, borders, migration and exile and another collection around Lawrence Durrell, his work and his world. Her literary biography of Lawrence Durrell, Lawrence Durrell. Dans l’omb