such as certain Notes clearly de la version datedde diary originale entries, Iet La Splendeur have chosendenot l’Infamie EriktoLarson : annotate in order to avoid end- Thematter bloat. Splendid andHaving said the Vile that, I have salted the (2020) notes...
such as certain Notes clearly de la version datedde diary originale entries, Iet La Splendeur have chosendenot l’Infamie EriktoLarson : annotate in order to avoid end- Thematter bloat. Splendid andHaving said the Vile that, I have salted the (2020) notes with little stories that did not make the final draft but that for one reason or another seem de Les numéro to demand page sontretelling. ceux de l’édition anglaise. BleAk expeCtAtionS 3 The first of these occurred: Overy, Bombing War, 20. 3 One immense German bomb: “Examples of Large German Bombs,” Dec. 7, 1940, HO 199/327, UKARCH. Also, “Types of German Bombs and Mines,” Jan. 3, 1941, HO 199/327, UKARCH. The precise weight of a Satan bomb before rounding was 3,970 pounds. 3 “I think it is well”: Fort, Prof, 130; Overy, Bombing War, 14–15. 3 Britain’s civil defense experts: Süss, Death from the Skies, 407. 4 “It was widely believed”: Colville, Fringes of Power, 1:20; Harrisson, Living Through the Blitz, 24, 39. 4 “London for several d