Intelligent Design Film BoostsAcademic Freedom BillsBy Kevin Mooney, CNSNews.
com Staff Writer
com) - A documentary
released earlier this year may be partly
responsible for “academic freedom bills”
now advancing at the state level.
Those bills...
Intelligent Design Film BoostsAcademic Freedom BillsBy Kevin Mooney, CNSNews.
com Staff Writer
com) - A documentary
released earlier this year may be partly
responsible for “academic freedom bills”
now advancing at the state level.
Those bills
are intended to strengthen the free speech
rights of those who seek to examine the full
range of views on evolutionary theory.
The film “Expelled: No Intelligence
and astronomers have been
censored, denied tenure, and even
fired in some cases after raising
questions about Charles Darwin’s
150-year-old theory that life
results from random mutations
and natural selection.
The film has prompted some
states to consider legislation
that would insulate teachers and
students who believe there is
evidence of “design” in nature,
Walt Ruloff, a co-producer for
the film, told Cybercast News
In fact, within the next two
weeks, one Louisiana state
legislator expects his bill to reach
the desk of