This is the Book of the Champions of the Princess Flora.
When the Princess was a child, the Bard Queen gathered the ten champions from across the Fairelands to be Flora’s teachers, champions, and companions. Each was chosen for their gifts and...
This is the Book of the Champions of the Princess Flora.
When the Princess was a child, the Bard Queen gathered the ten champions from across the Fairelands to be Flora’s teachers, champions, and companions. Each was chosen for their gifts and abilities. Over the years, they taught her, mentored her, and loved her.
But they could not save her from the Unweaver.
Stolen by his proxy, Ayaz Ata, the Winter King, she vanished from the Fairelands and became forgotten in the minds of human and fae.
The Champions rode out to find her and to bring her back, but one by one they were lost and their powers were taken.
Who knows where they are and what they have become?
Your task, brave hunter, is to find the Champions. They are scattered throughout the Fairelands. Take what path you will, but find them all. Hear their memories of the Princess so that she might be restored to memory and returned to the Fairelands.