VGBA-2017 PRODUCT SPECIFICATIONS Suction Outlet Fitting Assembly (SOFA) VGBA-2017 Flow Ratings, Sump Dimensions, Certified to and Sump Flow Path Zone NSF/ANSI/CAN 50 ANSI/APSP/ICC 16 - 2017 DIRECTIONS: Read and follow the instructions provided with the...
VGBA-2017 PRODUCT SPECIFICATIONS Suction Outlet Fitting Assembly (SOFA) VGBA-2017 Flow Ratings, Sump Dimensions, Certified to and Sump Flow Path Zone NSF/ANSI/CAN 50 ANSI/APSP/ICC 16 - 2017 DIRECTIONS: Read and follow the instructions provided with the product. Never exceed a SOFA Model flow rating when the pool is in use. SOFA Covers shall only be installed over sumps that meet or exceed the minimum flow path zone defined by: minimum pipe size and sump exit orientation, and the minimum pipe depth. Please see page 2 of 2 for help determining the proper flow rating for any pipe size changes within 16 inches of the pool interior finish. AquaStar SOFA covers are authorized for use over any compatible manufactured or field-built sump (§ 3.5.1). Scan the QR code or visit: for the most current version of these specifications, instructions, and product information. Cover Model Number: FIGURE 1: FIGURE 2: 32CDLTFGxxx SOFA Model Number Key Flow Path Zone (A