ENG ACE12 - INSTALLATION OF V4 SOFTWARE PACKAGE / STEP 2 – SETTING THE FLOW VALVE IN OPEN POSITION. Perform this step ONLY if the ACE 12 is used in combination with NIX3. In the event that ACE12 is installed on a The rationale behind this approach was to...
ENG ACE12 - INSTALLATION OF V4 SOFTWARE PACKAGE / STEP 2 – SETTING THE FLOW VALVE IN OPEN POSITION. Perform this step ONLY if the ACE 12 is used in combination with NIX3. In the event that ACE12 is installed on a The rationale behind this approach was to This ensures a continuous water flow, NIX3, we aim to prevent the pump from avoid wasteful water usage when utilizing allowing the cooling system to maintain exerting pressure against a closed solenoid tap water, unless ACE12 is actively running. water temperature even when ACE is not valve. The solenoid valve is designed to halt However, with the use of the card, we have actively heating. the flow of ACE12 when it is not in use for modified the system so that the solenoid heating purposes. valve remains open at all times when the machine is operational. STEP 1. STEP 2. STEP 3. CARD FLOW VALVE Connect the ACE12 to a power outlet. Do NOT turn on the ACE12. Place the Flow Valve Card ON the black mark at the front of the ACE12. STEP 4. ST