SPANISH ARTISTS (S. XX_XXI) PABLO PICASSO (1881-1973) MÁLAGA “Guernica” by Picasso. 1937 THE LIGHT THAT TELL THE TRUTH It was April 1937. I was having breakfast with Pablo Picasso at a sidewalk café. A man at the next table leaned across, waving a copy of...
SPANISH ARTISTS (S. XX_XXI) PABLO PICASSO (1881-1973) MÁLAGA “Guernica” by Picasso. 1937 THE LIGHT THAT TELL THE TRUTH It was April 1937. I was having breakfast with Pablo Picasso at a sidewalk café. A man at the next table leaned across, waving a copy of the Times. . -Have you seen the terrible news from Spain? -he asked in English, pointing to an article in the paper. . -What’s he saying? - Picasso doesn’t speak English, but he heard the worth “Spain”. Every day there was news of the civil war that had broken out the year before in Picasso’s native country, when the army led by General Franco turned against the government. Picasso was safe in Paris, but he still had many friends in Spain. The city of Barcelona, where he’d been an art student, had seen fierce fighting. I took the newspaper and did my best to translate the article. It described an air raid two days before on the town of Guernica in northern Spain. The reporter had seen the effects of the bombing with his own eyes. “Gue