History of Computers 1.-What simple device did the Chinese use in the twelfth century to perform mathematic calculations? · The Chinese used The Abacus, a hand-held wooden device with rows of beads, to add, subtract, divide, and multiply. 2.-What was the...
History of Computers 1.-What simple device did the Chinese use in the twelfth century to perform mathematic calculations? · The Chinese used The Abacus, a hand-held wooden device with rows of beads, to add, subtract, divide, and multiply. 2.-What was the first standard industry computer language? · ASCII was established as the first standard industry computer language. 3.-What was the technology that incorporated many transistors and electronic circuits on a single chip? · The integrated circuit became the standard computer technology, using many transistors and electronic circuits on a single semi-conducting chip. 4.-What are two important upcoming technologies? · The modern era of the microprocessor – a phenomenal breakthrough first used in the Apple II and Commodore personal computers.