SENA CAB´S ENGLISH KNOWLEDGE NETWORK BY CARLOS ARMANDO LÓPEZ GOMÉZ 2015 The CAB´s Knowledge network is an idea that appears because of Haaga-Helia course. In the Centro Agropecuario de Buga there was a need of the English teachers and it is work together...
SENA CAB´S ENGLISH KNOWLEDGE NETWORK BY CARLOS ARMANDO LÓPEZ GOMÉZ 2015 The CAB´s Knowledge network is an idea that appears because of Haaga-Helia course. In the Centro Agropecuario de Buga there was a need of the English teachers and it is work together and the way to do that is using a network for growing in our different pedagogical and didactical activities, IDEA There we have some questions and the idea is to look for the answers together the first questions is: Why the Sena`s students don`t learn English as quickly as students from other institutions? REASON 1 Then there was another reason to create this network and is to have a unified curriculum for English and then we find out the SENA and Cambridge have an agreement why don`t we use that as a resource in our face to face courses? so we can work as a network doing curriculum development. REASON 2 The third reason is to learn from each other by sharing experiences so we have to organize the proposal for the administration. REAS