Haliburton Echo Classifieds Call 705-457-1037 classifieds@haliburtonpress.com Deadline Friday at 4 pm. Classified Word Ad Special 25 Words Your ad will run in The Echo, The Times & County Life Only $15 +HST YARD SALE 160 APPLIANCES & FURNITURE 240 AUCTIONS...
Haliburton Echo Classifieds Call 705-457-1037 classifieds@haliburtonpress.com Deadline Friday at 4 pm. Classified Word Ad Special 25 Words Your ad will run in The Echo, The Times & County Life Only $15 +HST YARD SALE 160 APPLIANCES & FURNITURE 240 AUCTIONS 120 EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY 400 CONTENT SALE ~12 Morrison St., Norland, Sat. June 4th at 8 a.m., Furniture, Antiques,1 yr old Sofa-$400, Custom Leather Recliner-$300, Crystals, China, Roxton pieces, Queen-size mattress w/box-spring, Shelving Units, 6 and 8 drawer dressers w/ mirrors, High Boy, Household Items, 5cents to $500 Come prepared "EVERYTHING GOES" 16 ft. Mad River Explorer Canoe Royalex Construction, Excellent Condition, Grey Owl Paddles included, Asking $550.00, Call (705) 286-3689 ONLINE ONLY ESTATE AUCTION Beginning Friday June 3 – 10am – Closing Tuesday June 7-7pm at MCLEAN AUCTIONS-LINDSAY at 2194 Little Britain Rd Dining & bedroom furniture, antique dressers, chests, settees, fancy tables, Victorian chairs & tables, sta