Minden Times Classifieds Call 705-286-1288 classifieds@haliburtonpress.com Deadline 4 pm Each Monday Classified Word Ad Special 25 Words Your ad will run in The Echo, The Times & County Life Only $15 +HST PETS & SUPPLIES 160 DOG GROOMING in my home....
Minden Times Classifieds Call 705-286-1288 classifieds@haliburtonpress.com Deadline 4 pm Each Monday Classified Word Ad Special 25 Words Your ad will run in The Echo, The Times & County Life Only $15 +HST PETS & SUPPLIES 160 DOG GROOMING in my home. Experienced groomer providing professional service in a home environment. By appointment only. Call Adele (705) 754-1078 Now renting 2 bedroom apartments in a nice quiet building. Seniors Very Welcome $749/month First/Last months rent required Toll Free: 1-866-996-8226 x 226 ASHLEY HOPE APARTMENTS FOR RENT 300 EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY 400 Skilled, experienced carpenters needed call 705 457-1224 Camp Kandalore has a Housekeeping position effective immediately until Dec. 16, 2016 (may be extended) 40 hours per week. Please contact Gerry @ 613-334-9399 or email colin@kandalore.com Holden Truss: local custom roof truss manufacturer is looking for motivated individuals to join our growing organization in the following areas: Inside production work