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Haliburton Echo Classifieds Call 705-457-1037 classifieds@haliburtonpress.com Deadline Friday at 4 pm. Classified Word Ad Special 25 Words Your ad will run in The Echo, The Times & County Life Only $15 +HST ITEMS WANTED 280 LESSONS/CLASSES 100 Guitar Lessons with Chad Ingram Beginner to intermediate level. Learn to play your favourite songs. $45/hour. Call 705-286-1323. FIREWOOD FOR SALE 220 Cut & Split Seasoned Hardwood Firewood FOR SALE Call Scott today at (705) 457-8706 WELL STACKED face cord of Maple. Split since June. $125. Pick up only. Call John at 705-448-9031 The Food Hub at Abbey Gardens Open Thursday to Sunday 10am to 6pm COMING EVENTS 380 Help Wanted Driver/ general help and mechanical knowledge. Required immediately. Phone: 705-286-3047 Skilled, experienced carpenters needed call 705 457-1224 CampKandalorehasaHousekeeping position effective immediately until Dec. 16 2016. may be extended. 40 hours per week. Please contact Gerry @ 613-334-9399 or email colin@kandalore.com SH