Haliburton Echo Classifieds Call 705-457-1037 classifieds@haliburtonpress.com Deadline Friday at 4 pm. Classified Word Ad Special 25 Words Your ad will run in The Echo, The Times & County Life Only $15 +HST COMMERCIAL SPACE FOR RENT 380 YARD SALES 160...
Haliburton Echo Classifieds Call 705-457-1037 classifieds@haliburtonpress.com Deadline Friday at 4 pm. Classified Word Ad Special 25 Words Your ad will run in The Echo, The Times & County Life Only $15 +HST COMMERCIAL SPACE FOR RENT 380 YARD SALES 160 EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY 400 FIREWOOD FOR SALE 220 Cut and Split Firewood for indoor andoutdoorwoodstoves.Delivered to Minden and surrounding areas. Get ahead of the winter!! Slabs for campfire available too. We also cut lumber. Please contact Alex at 705 854-0280 Mineral Rights Only in Mineral Rich Highlands East, Haliburton County, Ontario. Lot 26, Con. 18, Cardiff Township. 75% share of 100 Acres or 40.46 Hectares. Purchaser will be responsible for all transfer costs. Open to offers. email dartjubb@telus.net FOR SALE 200 BLACKFLIES + MOSQUITOES + TICKS... Bonnies Bug Off 99.9% EFFECTIVE...No Chemicals...it works! Haliburton & Carnarvon farmers Mkt. Bonnies Lavender Studio 705-754-1477 Plants and products too... FOR RENT 300 1 months FREE