Haliburton Echo Classifieds Call 705-457-1037 classifieds@haliburtonpress.com Deadline Friday at 4 pm. Classified Word Ad Special 25 Words Your ad will run in The Echo, The Times & County Life Only $15 +HST ANNOUNCEMENTS 100 FOR SALE 200 FIREWOOD FOR SALE...
Haliburton Echo Classifieds Call 705-457-1037 classifieds@haliburtonpress.com Deadline Friday at 4 pm. Classified Word Ad Special 25 Words Your ad will run in The Echo, The Times & County Life Only $15 +HST ANNOUNCEMENTS 100 FOR SALE 200 FIREWOOD FOR SALE 220 AUTOMOTIVE FOR SALE 260 AUCTIONS 120 EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY 400 Jeff and Teressa (Scheffee) Morning of Aurora Are happy to Announce the birth of Chase Jeffrey on January 4th, 2016 Chase is a delightful little brother for Peyton and Monica, a cousin for Lily, Jack, Henry, Joshua and Matthew. Proud Grandparents: Kathleen Morning of Aurora, John Morning of Aurora, Arlene and Jim Scheffee and Great Grandparent Harina Lynn of Haliburton A well established Haliburton County Contracting company of over 50 years is looking to expand. The following positions are available: Full-Time Heavy Truck & Equipment Mechanic • Responsible for repair & maintenance of company equipment; • To work in fully licensed inspection station open to the public;