COCONINO COUNTY EMPLOYEE REFERRAL PROGRAM EMPLOYEE REFERRAL PROGRAM Searching for great people to work for Coconino County! Encouraged to refer Women, Minorities and Veterans! Diversity in the Workforce! Rewards: 2 movie tickets and 8 hours Vacation...
COCONINO COUNTY EMPLOYEE REFERRAL PROGRAM EMPLOYEE REFERRAL PROGRAM Searching for great people to work for Coconino County! Encouraged to refer Women, Minorities and Veterans! Diversity in the Workforce! Rewards: 2 movie tickets and 8 hours Vacation Accrual! Start referring now and help our County grow! Coconino County is always looking for great people, and you can help. Research has shown, and our own experience supports this, that new hires that come into a company through employee referrals are excellent contributors, stay with the organization longer, and are more cost effective to recruit. Employees are especially encouraged to refer women, minorities and veterans as we work together to improve diversity in our workforce. If you know someone who would be a good addition to Coconino County and they meet the minimum qualification for an existing open position, it may be worth some exciting reward if you refer them for employment and they are hired. Questions? Contact Human Resource