Question 2 ~ How does your media product represent
particular social groups?
My media product had be based and designed for teenage girls.
The most part of my magazine is based around fashion, music,
boys, love and locations. This describes my target...
Question 2 ~ How does your media product represent
particular social groups?
My media product had be based and designed for teenage girls.
The most part of my magazine is based around fashion, music,
boys, love and locations. This describes my target audience as
the typical teenage girls that you see every day, wanting to
know what’s hot and the latest advice. There was no element
for the male attention in this magazine, as there was no
mention or appearance of cars, gadgets, politics or games.
The main colours that are visible in my magazine are pinks,
black, white and greys, this further emphasises that this
product is primarily for the female viewing. These colours are not ones that you
would typically expect to see on the front of a male based magazine. I mainly
decided to use these colours to make it visually obvious that it was based for this
target audience.
My magazine implies that girls are interested in others’ lives and want to know all
of the latest gossip when regarding ce