Death is inevitable, man is born to die. All must die, how soon, we cannot tell.
Your aim must be good, and your motives right, but when the time comes to die,
you must leave all.
Whereas, we have been called together today on account of the...
Death is inevitable, man is born to die. All must die, how soon, we cannot tell.
Your aim must be good, and your motives right, but when the time comes to die,
you must leave all.
Whereas, we have been called together today on account of the passing of
Mr. Romeo Montgomery, a beloved cousin, therefore, we want to say a word of
cheer and comfort to our family.
Be it Resolved, that we bow our heads in humble submission to the Heavenly
Master’s will; be it further
Resolved, that the family weep not as those who have no hope, remembering
that you to must continue on in spite of Romeo’s absence.
Resolved, we extend to our cousins our tenderest sympathy in this sad hour.
We recommend to our cousin’s, Him who giveth and taketh away, and may they
say, “Blessed be His name”; be it further
Resolved, that a copy of this resolution be given to the family and a copy be kept
in our church records.
Lovingly submitted,
Gloria Deveuax-Cobb, Rushlean Harden, Oneida Mitchell,