[Forthcoming in Encyclopedia of Complexity and System Science]
2-Mode Concepts in Social Network Analysis
Stephen P. Borgatti
Chellgren Chair and Professor of Management
Gatton College of Business and Economics
University of Kentucky
Lexington, KY 40506...
[Forthcoming in Encyclopedia of Complexity and System Science]
2-Mode Concepts in Social Network Analysis
Stephen P. Borgatti
Chellgren Chair and Professor of Management
Gatton College of Business and Economics
University of Kentucky
Lexington, KY 40506 USA
1. Definition of Subject
2. Introduction
3. Basic Concepts
4. 2-Mode Data in Social Network Analysis
5. Unimodal Approaches to 2-Mode Data
5.1. Visualization
5.2. Analysis
6. Bimodal Analysis
6.1. Visualization
6.2. Analysis
7. Conclusion
8. Future Directions
2-Mode Matrix. A (2-dimensional) matrix is said to be 2-mode if the rows and columns
index different sets of entities (e.g., the rows might correspond to persons while the
columns correspond to organizations). In contrast, a matrix is 1-mode if the rows and
columns refer to the same set of entities, such as a city-by-city matrix if distances.
Blockmodel. A blockmodel is a partitioning of the cells of a matrix into blocks that is