C.E.I.P. “Gloria Fuertes” de Jaén (Jaén) PROYECTO BILINGÜE AÑO 6 - Curso 2015/2016 Coordinadora: Amparo Herrador Quero Auxiliar: Amy Drummond February Blog ENGLISH THEATRE Romeo & Juliet The children in 3rd and 4th grade had the opportunity to go and see a...
C.E.I.P. “Gloria Fuertes” de Jaén (Jaén) PROYECTO BILINGÜE AÑO 6 - Curso 2015/2016 Coordinadora: Amparo Herrador Quero Auxiliar: Amy Drummond February Blog ENGLISH THEATRE Romeo & Juliet The children in 3rd and 4th grade had the opportunity to go and see a play performed in English. The play was Romeo & Juliet to celebrate 400 years since the death of William Shakespeare, but it was adapted for a younger audience. Many of the students were invited to take part in the play also!