C.E.I.P “Gloria Fuertes” de Jaén Año Bilingüe 6 Curso 2015- 2016 Auxiliar: Amy May Drummond Coordinadora: Amparo Herrador EMOTIONS BAZAAR November 2015 This is a dynamic group activity related to emotions. It teaches the students to reflect on their own...
C.E.I.P “Gloria Fuertes” de Jaén Año Bilingüe 6 Curso 2015- 2016 Auxiliar: Amy May Drummond Coordinadora: Amparo Herrador EMOTIONS BAZAAR November 2015 This is a dynamic group activity related to emotions. It teaches the students to reflect on their own emotions after personal events both inside and outside the classroom. Undoubtedly, this sort of activity is very positive because it allows students not only to identify and reflect on their emotions but also teaches them to be able to verbally express themselves in from of their classmates.