C.E.I.P. “Gloria Fuertes” de Jaén (Jaén) PROYECTO BILINGÜE AÑO 6 - Curso 2015/2016 Coordinadora: Amparo Herrador Quero Auxiliar: Amy Drummond April Blog REFLECTION WEEK The reflections for the month of April deal with the 4th centenary of the death of both...
C.E.I.P. “Gloria Fuertes” de Jaén (Jaén) PROYECTO BILINGÜE AÑO 6 - Curso 2015/2016 Coordinadora: Amparo Herrador Quero Auxiliar: Amy Drummond April Blog REFLECTION WEEK The reflections for the month of April deal with the 4th centenary of the death of both William Shakespeare and Miguel de Cervantes, both of whom were famous writers. Both writers made great contributions to both the language and the literary histories of their respective countries (England and Spain).