org Name________________
PPaarrttss ooff SSppeeeecchh -- CCoonnjjuunnccttiioonnss
•• Almost all words have a “part of speech”.
Which part of speech a word has depends on
how it is used in a sentence.
Here is a list...
org Name________________
PPaarrttss ooff SSppeeeecchh -- CCoonnjjuunnccttiioonnss
•• Almost all words have a “part of speech”.
Which part of speech a word has depends on
how it is used in a sentence.
Here is a list of the eight parts of speech:
NNoouunn VVeerrbb AAddjjeeccttiivvee AAddvveerrbb CCoonnjjuunnccttiioonn PPrreeppoossiittiioonn PPrroonnoouunn IInntteerrjjeeccttiioonn
Conjunction: A conjunction is a word or phrase that shows the relationship between two
words, phrases, or clauses of equal rank.
The relationship may give information about
time, reason, agreement/disagreement, or order of events.
Example: I will buy milk and eggs.
In this example, the word “and” is a conjunction because it is used to show the relationship
between the words “milk” and “eggs”.
Example: We want to go to the movie, but we don’t have enough money.
In this example, the word “but” is a conjunction because it is used to show the relationship
between the w