I have got a dog.
Her name is Berta and she is 4 years old.
Berta is gold with short hair.
She is a Labrador and she is a kind
She has got brown eyes and big ears and she is clever and
friendly too.
Every day I take Berta for a walk in the fields...
I have got a dog.
Her name is Berta and she is 4 years old.
Berta is gold with short hair.
She is a Labrador and she is a kind
She has got brown eyes and big ears and she is clever and
friendly too.
Every day I take Berta for a walk in the fields next
to my house.
She loves to run after the things I throw to her to
bring them back to me.
Sometimes we go to the beach with my
family and Berta.
She loves to swim in the sea and run on the
I give her dog food every day because she is always
She has got a kennel and she sleeps there.
I love Berta very much because she is friendly and cute.